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2014-2023 CALENDAR

March 9,  "Indigenous Challenges to Iberian Claims: Native Sovereignty in Spanish Louisiana", Learning Before Lunch, New Orleans at UNO, 10:00-11:00 am
March 14, "Saints and Sinners, Rebels and Patriots: Celebrating St. Patrick's Day in New Orleans", Louisiana Historical Society, New Orleans, 7:00-8:00 pm
April 19, "Hidden Histories of New Orleans: The Irish", American Legion Post 23, Southern Yacht Club, 11:30 am
April 27, "From the Wilds of Ireland to the Wilds of Louisiana: The Irish in New Orleans", Metairie Literary Guild, 11:00 am
May 6, "Oliver Pollock and the Power of Irish Politics in Louisiana", LSDAR Annual Banquet, Chateau Country Club, 11:00-1:00 pm
September 23, Celtic Heritage Festival, Ponchatoula, 11:30-12:30
November 1, All Saints Day Talk and Luncheon of the Daughters of 1812,   12:00-2:00
January 7, "Defying the Odds and Defying Expectations: Irish Canal Workers in New Orleans", American Historical Association, Sheraton New Orleans 3:30-5:00 pm
January 21, Prospect 5 "Resilient Matter: Adriana Corral in Conversation" Ogden Museum, New Orleans, 2:00-3:00 pm 
January 31, Louisiana Spotlight: The Plight of Pointe-au-Chien" LPBS, 8:00 pm 
March 10,  "Irish New Orleans", Learning Before Lunch, New Orleans at Homer Hitt Alumni Center, 10:00-11:00 am
March 11 & 21,  Friends of Cabildo- Tour Guide Workshop; Book signing and lecture
March 17, "Faith, Hope and Charity: Irish Communities in New Orleans", Colonial Dames XVII Century, Lambeth House, New Orleans 11:00-12:00 pm
March 17, "Saints and Sinners, Rebels and Patriots: Celebrating St. Patrick's Day in New Orleans", Round Table Club, New Orleans, 7:00-8:00 pm


March 18 and 19, 4th Annual NOCGS Indigenous Symposium,  Sassafras, Stickball and Stories: Indigenous Cultures of the Gulf South, Tulane University, New Orleans 9:00-5:30 
IN PERSON and STREAMING ONLINE please register here 
March 23, "Irish New Orleans"  JOY luncheon, Mulholland UMC 
1201 Metairie Rd. 12:00-1:00 pm
April 19, "Hidden Histories of New Orleans: The Irish" NOCDC World Forum,
1239 Baronne St. New Orleans, 6:00-7:00 pm
May 12, "Defying the Odds and Defying Expectation: Irish Canal Workers in New Orleans. Online only 6:00-7:30 pm
Online registration and information to be found at this link
March 12, 3rd Annual NOCGS Indigenous Virtual Symposium,  Being Native Today, Tulane University, New Orleans 9:00-5:30.  This event will be held virtually this year. See the website for information and registration link 
March 14,  Crossroads Irish American Festival,  Irish New Orleans, Virtual event at 1:00 pm (PST) Please register at this link 
March 17, WWNO Louisiana Considered with Karl Lengel,  12:00 pm Live 
March 17, The Irish in New Orleans: A Conversation with the South Florida Tulane Alumni Club, 5:00-6:00 pm (virtual)
November 2, "Reclaiming Native Ground: The Pointe-au-Chien Indian Tribe and the Long Fight to Maintain Food Sovereignty while Combating Coastal Erosion", Southern Historical Association, New Orleans, 9:15-10:45 (virtual)
March 6 & 16,  Friends of Cabildo- Tour Guide Workshop; Book signing and lecture                
March 12, "Hidden Histories of New Orleans: The Irish", UNO Library 10:00 am
March 20,  3rd Annual NOCGS Indigenous Symposium,  Being Native Today, Tulane University, New Orleans 8:30-5:30 
March 21, "From the Wilds of Ireland to the Wilds of Louisiana" Jean Lafitte National Historic Park and Preserve French Quarter Visitor Center, 1:00 pm
April 27, "The Irish in Louisiana", Vermilionville, 6:30-8:30 
May 27, “Improving Resiliency Through Mapping: Using TEK to Determine Vulnerability & Sustainability”, State of the Coast Conference, New Orleans
May 29,  "Environments of Death and Burial: Irish Women at Home and Abroad, 1864-1967", Berkshire Conference on the History of Women, Genders and Sexualities, Johns Hopkins University
March 14, "Irish New Orleans: Past and Present", Lecture and Book Signing, SYC 
March 14 "Waking the Dead: Old World Traditions in a New World Environment- The Irish Community of New Orleans" at The Mint, Louisiana State Museum
March 13 & 25,  Friends of Cabildo- Tour Guide Workshop; Book signing and lecture
March  21, "Hidden Histories of New Orleans: The Irish" Lecture and Book Signing,          Le Petit Salon, New Orleans
March 27, "Strata: Cultural Strains of New Orleans" Antenna, St. Alphonsus Art and Cultural Center, New Orleans 6:30-9:00 
March 31, "Welcome Home: Immigrants and Immigrant Culture in New Orleans" Tennessee Williams Festival, Hotel Monteleone, 11:30-12:45
April 2,  2nd Annual NOCGS Indigenous Symposium, Sovereignty and the State: Indigenous Challenges to Imperial Claims, Tulane University, New Orleans 8:30-5:30 
November 4, "Tribal Citizenship and the Fundamental Rights of Sovereignty" Creating Stronger Nations, Annual Tribal Conference, Keynote Lecture, Royal Sonesta New Orleans
November 14, "Indigenous Challenges to Iberian Claims: Native Americans in Colonial Louisiana" at the Mint, Louisiana State Museum
February 28, Friends of Cabildo- Tour Guide Workshop; Lecture
March 11, "Faith, Hope and Charity: Irish Communities in New Orleans" Tricentennial Symposium: Making New Orleans Home; University of New Orleans, Senator Ted Hickey Ballroom and Gallery Lounge, University Center, 10:30-11:30 
March 12, Friends of Cabildo- Tour Guide Workshop; Book signing and lecture
March 14, "Indigenous Spaces and French Expectations: Exploring Exchanges between Native and Non-Native People of Louisiana" New Orleans Center for the Gulf South Symposium; Co-Chair, Moderator, and Presenter, 9:00-5:00
March 15, "From the Wilds of Ireland to the Wilds of Louisiana" Lecture and book signing.  Preserve Louisiana at the Old Governor's Mansion, Baton Rouge, 6:30 
March 17, Inaugural march with the New Orleans Irish Orphan Society; Irish Channel St. Patrick's Day Parade
March 24, Tricentennial Commemoration; Children's World Fair at the Louisiana Children's Museum. Historical Advisor
April 12-15, Louisiana Historical Association, Annual Meeting, New Orleans; Program Chair
April 21, "The Irish in New Orleans: Hibernian Influence in the Shaping of New Orleans"  St. Alphonsus Art and Culture Center
May 31, "Sanctuary in the Swamps:  Survival by Strategic Migration, Native American Communities in Southern Louisiana" State of the Coast Conference, New Orleans
June 22, "Waking the Dead: Old World Traditions in a New World Environment," International Meeting of the American Conference for Irish Studies, Cork Ireland
October 18, Plenary Speaker, Irish Network USA, Annual Conference, New Orleans
March 13, "Morris Bart, Sr. Lecture Series at the J" at the JCC Uptown, New Orleans
March 17, Louisiana History Association Annual Meeting, Shreveport
April 6, "Irish Women in Circulation" OAH, New Orleans
June 1-4,  Berkshire Conference for Women Historians, Hofstra University, New York 

October 28, Book Signing, Tulane University Bookstore, Homecoming Weekend 2:30-3:00


October 13, Lecture, "Sanctuary in the Swamps" at The Mint, Louisiana State Museum


October 5, Lecture and Book Signing, "Seeking Solace in the South and Finding it: The Church, the Channel and the Irish Community," St. Alphonsus Art and Culture Center


September 21, Lecture and Book Signing, "From the Wilds of Ireland to the Wilds of New Orleans," NOLA Public Library, 6301 Canal Blvd. New Orleans


April 15 Lecture and Book Signing, Entre Nous Book Club, New Orleans


April 1, Lecture, American Conference for Irish Studies, Notre Dame University, South Bend IN


March 19 Book Signing, 1850 House


March 16 Lecture and Book Signing, Gonzaga University Arnold Lecture


March 14 Lecture and Book Signing, Sage Series at McNeese University, Lake Charles


March 11 Lecture and Book Signing, Entre Nous Book Club, New Orleans


March 10 Lecture and Book Signing, "Saints and Sinners: St. Patrick's Day in New Orleans" at The Mint- Louisiana State Museum


March 9th Tulane University Women’s Association Book Club


March 8 Metairie Women’s Club


March 7 Friend of Cabildo- Tour Guides Workshop 




December 10 Lecture and Book Signing, St. Francis Xavier Senior Program  "Historical New Orleans"


November 13 Roundtable Discussion: “New Orleans:  An Atlantic Caribbean Port or Gateway to a Frontier Hinterland?”  The Kimberly Hanger Memorial Session,  Southern Historical Association, Little Rock Arkansas


November 6 Tour of Irish New Orleans, Tulane Homecoming- Alumni and Parent’s Program


October 19   Lecture and Book Signing University of Louisiana, Lafayette


October 19 Radio Appearance Ragin’ Cajuns Radio Network


October 6 Lecture, Altman Program, Tulane University


September 21 Lecture and Book Signing Genealogical Research Society of New Orleans


June 29 Book Launch at Margaret of New Orleans Birthplace  Tullly, Carrigallen Co. Leitrim (visit their site here)


June 12 Radio Appearance, The Right Hook, interview with George Hook, Newstalk


June 11 Book Launch at the international conference for the Society for 19th Century Study of Ireland,  Galway City


June 10 Official Irish Book Launch with Minister Jimmy Deenihan for Diaspora Affairs, Irish Whiskey Museum Dublin Ireland


May 31  Radio Appearance, Newstalk Radio Documentary, Tales from the Big Easy


May 19 Lecture and Book signing Tulane Alumni House


April 8 Lecture & Book Signing- Louisiana Endowment for the Humanities 


March 27 Lecture & Book Signing- 4th  Annual Literary Luncheon benefit for the Alzheimer's Association


March 18 Lecture & Book Signing- Our Lady of Holy Cross College


March 17 WGNO Interview


March 14 Radio Appearance- WWNO- “Louisiana Eats with Poppy Tooker”


March 12 Lecture & Book Signing- Louisiana State Museum


March 11 Lecture & Book Signing- Maple St. Bookstore


March 10 Lecture & Book Signing- Jefferson Public Library


March 7 Lecture & Book Signing- Historic New Orleans Collection


March 7 Lecture & Book Signing- ROOTS Program St. Alphonsus Art & Cultural Center


March 5 Lecture & Book Signing- Community Outreach Program NOAC


March 4 Radio Appearance- WWNO Eve Abrams, Louisiana Cultural Vistas


January 15 Radio Appearance- WRBH


January 10 Radio Appearance- Irish Radio Network USA WNYE 91.5FM


January 7 Lecture & Book Signing- American Irish Historical Society


January 5 Lecture- American Historical Association Annual Meeting New York City




December 17 Book Signing- Wine & Sign at NOAC


December 13 Book Signing- St. Alphonsus Art & Cultural Center


December 11 Radio Appearance WHIV


December 4 Lecture & Book Signing- Octavia Books


November 25 Radio Appearance- WWNO Susan Larson, The Reading Life 


November 17 Lecture & Book Signing- Rotary Club


November 15 Lecture & Book Signing- 5th Annual New Orleans Book Festival


November 14   Lecture & Book Signing- Tulane University 


November 13 Book Signing- Metairie Park Country Day


November 8 Book Signing- Irish Fest New Orleans


November 7 Lecture & Book Signing International Irish Famine Commemoration


November 5 Lecture & Book Signing-The Irish House


November 4 Lecture & Book Signing- Rotary Club District 6840


November 2 Lecture & Book Signing-  Finn McCool’s Irish Pub


November 1 Lecture & Book Signing- 11th Annual Louisiana Book Festival


October 30 Radio Appearance- WWL Spud McConnell Show


October 28 Lecture & Book Signing- Save our Cemeteries 


October 25 Radio appearance- WWOZ


October 24 Radio appearance Mo McConnell Show


October 18 Radio appearance Chef John Folse


October 7 Lecture- Altman Program, Tulane University


September 8  Lecture for Tour Guides- Friends of the Cabildo


© 2015 Laura D. Kelley PhD

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